
Fruit Custard Tart

Fruit Custard Tart, something special for your Eid Table. #HappyCookingToyou #FoodFusion #Jameshirin #Qarshi

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Custard Filling:

  • Doodh (Milk) full fat 500 ml
  • Anday ki zardi (Egg yolks) 4
  • Sugar 2-3 tbs or to taste
  • Cornflour 3 tbs
  • Vanilla essence 1 tsp
  • Qarshi Jam e Shirin 2-3 tbs

Tart Crust:

  • Makhan (Butter) 100g (room temperature)
  • Icing sugar ¼ Cup
  • Anda (Egg) 1 (room temperature)
  • Namak (Salt) ¼ tsp
  • Maida (All-purpose flour) sifted 1 & ½ Cup (add more if needed)


  • Banana slices
  • Apple slices
  • Peach slices
  • Cherries


Prepare Custard Filling:

In a wok,add milk and bring it to boil.

In a bowl,add egg yolks,sugar and whisk well.

Add cornflour,vanilla essence and whisk well.

Add ½ Cup of hot milk in a bowl and whisk well.

Now add this mixture into hot milk and whisk well.

Add jam e shirin,mix continuously and cook on low flame until it become thick & creamy.

Let it cool.

Take out in a dish,cover with cling film and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Take out custard from refrigerator and whisk well until creamy.

Transfer prepared custard to piping bag.

Prepare Tart Crust:

In a bowl,add butter and mix well with the help of spatula for 2 minutes.

Add icing sugar and mix well until smooth & creamy.

Add egg and mix until well combined (4-5 minutes).

Add salt and mix well.

Add all-purpose flour,mix well and knead gently until soft dough is formed.

Cover with cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

On 10” tart pan greased,place prepared dough,spread gently and set the dough with the help of the hands,cut the edges with the help of the knife and prick with fork.

Bake in preheated oven at 180 C for 20-25 minutes.

Let it cool before removing tart from baking pan.


On tart base,add & spread the prepared custard and garnish with banana,apple,peaches & cherries.

Before serving,refrigerate until chilled.

Cut into desired slices & serve!

Recipe By: Seema Hanif

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